GRIP Agency AG
Customer & Brand Relations
Falkenstrasse 27
8008 Zürich

T +41 43 222 60 30

Thomas is our specialist for strategy and positioning
Thomas Biedermann
Managing Partner und Head of Strategy

Thomas is our Managing Partner and Head of Strategy. He supports GRIP’s clients with effective strategies and concepts so they can achieve their business goals. In particular, he advises them on the optimal positioning of their brands and offers, in addition to target-oriented marketing and marketing communication. Thomas co-founded GRIP in 2003, and he has almost 40 years of agency experience with projects at home and abroad.

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Solutions for real estate, banks and other sectors
Thomas’ strength lies in his advising of companies from all sectors with regard to branding and marketing, including search engine optimization. Clients have included real estate and financial companies from all over Switzerland. In addition to strategy and concept work, he develops and nurtures his clients’ teams and individual employees, by sharing his knowledge and experience in workshops and lectures.

From arts and crafts to strategy consulting
Thomas originally comes from a village in the Bernese Seeland, and he is a trained artistic glazier and heraldist.To this day, he has retained his understanding of solid craftsmanship – it must always be profitable, while retaining creative harmony and aesthetic standards. Later in life, he moved into advertising and thereafter into strategic consulting. He lives on Lake Zurich and enjoys spending time with his wife in Italy, especially in Friuli-Venezia Giulia.